The Library

We are maintaining a comprehensive library of articles, papers, books and other materials related to the space and the surrounding discourse. It provides deeper background on specific topics along with everything you need to fully engage with, and evaluate, web3 and the claims being made about it.

Browse the Library

Explore our library online here:

Contribute to the Library

One of the ways to participate in the project is to contribute to the library. The following provides guidance on how you can contribute.


Set up Zotero:

  • Create an account at if you haven't already.
  • Install the Zotero Connector browser extension from:
    • You may want to pin this extension to your taskbar by accessing it from your main extensions library and selecting pin
  • (Recommended) Download and install the Zotero desktop app from.
    • Set up syncing.

Join the group:

Start adding materials.